Bringing Artificial Intelligence (AI) into Your Classroom

Bringing Artificial Intelligence (AI) into Your Classroom
Bringing Artificial Intelligence (AI) into Your Classroom
Tuesday, 26 September, 7-8:30pm ET
Facilitated by Brent Warner

Session overview: ChatGPT and generative AI have erupted like an avalanche, and teachers are cautiously navigating what this new terrain looks like. As the previous landscape is not returning, this session is focused on ways we as teachers can help our students understand what this technology means, and how we can integrate it directly into our classes rather than hide from it. Together we will discuss what Artificial Intelligence and Large Language Models are and how to approach them. The session will focus on several specific classroom applications for AI, including ways to integrate it into lessons with students, as well as using it to support you in your professional work.

Brent Warner is an award-winning community college professor focusing on integrating technology and innovation into the language learning process. He works with teachers and organizations across the globe to provide practical advice for helping English Language Learners take advantage of tech to help them communicate more clearly. He blogs about technology integration in the ESOL classroom for TESOL, and he is the co-host of The DIESOL Podcast, focusing on innovation in ESOL. He also recently launched, a site focused on helping teachers understand how we can use ESL in our classes.

9/26/2023 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

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